learning to become less so that he might become more

Saturday, July 24, 2004

it has been a saturday.

so god gave me a very nice present this morning to run into betsy. we were supposed to have lunch this week and she forgot... so we walked up and down south congress and pushed isaac (and all the guys came and pinched his fat little cheeks) and went to guero's and had juice and talked. she wants to start a christian arts collective and train kids and give them practice in creativity, ways to grow in theater and ways to perceive the good and bad in theater. it was exciting. we are very on the same page about god and life and character and what the school we used to work at is like. she and adoniram want to start a small group in their house. very fun. i am excited to make a new friend who i really think is on the same page with me. and isaac and i played drums on the table and licked the spoons.

so cheers for saturday mornings on south congress and little presents where god reminds me that he has not forgotten.

i also realize that i am not handliing the stress well. getting overwhelmed and a little overstimulated. so holly came up and we drank guinness and polled our friends about eharmony. kristi met a man on it. i am glad for her... but i am opposed to the consumer mindset of posting your picture for approval and the answers to a hundred propositional questions and paying a fee in order to find the love of your life.



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