learning to become less so that he might become more

Saturday, July 10, 2004

the rock.

i think that i am allergic to something. my whole left forearm is turning red and splotchy and itchy. not sure what bit me. (no, teresa, no spiders. we have bees and cockroaches and all sorts of things perhaps - but i don't think we have spiders.)

doing a little reasonable theological research and study. it's time to come back to investing a little more time and effort and thought. will start with the mystics and with the lord's prayer so that i can get the sermon started. i bought a little green book for it all, and everything. which i think i will also take sermon notes in.

the house is quiet tonight, and it is a blessing. i put away all the laundry.. organized some boxes.. am going to paint my nails and do a mud mask and all that kind of thing. go to sleep early. because i can. it makes me sad to be here, because it has been so let go. makes me much more depressed when everything is a mess.... no motivation. there is trash everywhere, one toilet still does not work, and no one does their dishes. cleanliness is next to godliness...

kiva brought me a pair of 6 slim jeans today and they fit very well. it's kind of funny. i sure didn't gain any more weight on the trip - i have no need or desire to lose any more, but i sure don't want to gain any back. any less and i will look kind of sick. i like my weight just like this. i don't want to have to buy any more clothes. the calorie reduction plan worked just fine for me. coffee helps it too.

god is good, whether i am remembering it or not. he is merciful every day. things might feel like they are all falling apart... but this i call to mind and therefore i have hope: because of the lord's great love we are not consumed. i should be consumed and am not. i am preserved, because he loves me.


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